Network Security-as-a-Service

A Perfect Solution If You Have Limited Cyber Staff

Common security team challenges: Not enough Staff. Lack of the right Skills. Limited IT Budget. Too much Noise.

Are you one of the many companies challenged with a limited security staff, you don’t have the right skillsets in house, you’re faced with a high turnover of technical talent, too many incoming security alerts to handle them all properly… Centripetal has the perfect solution that will help you gain a superior level of cyber protection, and also supply the cyber analyst expertise you require, to manage, monitor, and control your company’s important security posture.

Fully managed Network SaaS

When you subscribe to Centripetal’s CleanINTERNET, a fully managed Network Security-as-a-Service, it’s instantly putting thousands of analysts to work in your defense. Using our advanced filtering and shielding enforcement technology, we can automatically protect your network against most known malicious threats, which have been researched by thousands of analysts working at hundreds of cyber threat intelligence provider (CTIP) organizations. We aggregate, correlate and apply the best threat intelligence feeds available in the industry to persistently protect your network. Millions of Indicators of Compromise are processed in a set of tightly defined rules, to continuously monitor both inbound and outbound activity. The best part of all is that live cyber analyst expertise is an integral part of the solution, which instantly extends the capabilities of your current staff.

Most people that are involved in security operations and strategic planning are more than familiar with the alarming statistics surrounding the lack of talent and skills in the security area:

  • A 2018 Cybersecurity Jobs Report estimated that there will be 3.5 million unfilled cybersecurity jobs by 2021, up from 1 million openings in 2016.
  • In 2017, the U.S. employed nearly 780,000 people in cybersecurity positions, with approximately 350,000 current cybersecurity openings, according to CyberSeek.
  • A recent 2017 ESG Research note mentioned 45 percent of organizations that were surveyed had a problematic shortage of cybersecurity skills.
  • When surveyed, many security leaders highlight that their cybersecurity team was not large enough for the size of their organization and many indicated that the cybersecurity team cannot keep up with the workload.


CleanINTERNET to the rescue!

Let’s say you are trying to ensure that your site and users are fully protected from all the bad actors that are constantly trying to scam, breach, attack or cause harm on a daily basis.  Unfortunately, as a SMB or remote branch office, you are faced with the same type and quantity of malicious threats as a large enterprise. Without the proper staff and budget required to deploy a reliable and proactive protection solution, you cannot succeed. Suspicious URLs, phishing schemes, bad actors, malware, etc. will continually try to infiltrate your network and users. With limited staff or skills, it is almost impossible to deliver the quality of protection your users require.

Enter Centripetal with CleanINTERNET!  Not only can we quickly deploy a high-performance Threat Intelligence Gateway (TIG) in your environment, but we can also introduce real-time threat intelligence feeds to reliably block and shield known threats at scale. The best part of this NSaaS offering is that you will have access to expert cyber analysts and online executive status reports to help you understand the power, effectiveness, and value of the solution for your organization.

                     CleanINTERNET NSaaS  ==  Intelligence | Enforcement | Analytics

Here are just a few of the immediate benefits that CleanINTERNET, Network Security-as-a-Service, delivers:

  1. An operating expense (OPEX) based solution that is easy on your budget, with a low manageable monthly cost
  2. Hardware, software and services that are all tightly bundled together to deliver the best CTI security solution possible
  3. Our professional services staff will coordinate the implementation and configuration
  4. Live best-in-class core threat intelligence feeds that are continually updated in real-time
  5. Custom rule sets to ensure your corporate security policy is enforced
  6. Blocking and shielding against known threats – IP, URL, Domain, FDQN, etc.
  7. Free up your current security staff to focus on more important activities
  8. Immediate ‘same day’ Time-to-Value

Learn more about CleanINTERNET and you can start a free trial.

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