Centripetal Networks Joins with Infoblox

Centripetal Networks Joins with Infoblox to Offer Actionable Threat Intelligence


RuleGate® Network Protection System Includes ActiveTrust Threat Intelligence Data from Infoblox

Centripetal Networks Inc., the leading provider of Real-Time Active Network Defense solutions, today announced it is joining with Infoblox to provide a platform to easily apply cyber threat intelligence to directly defend networks with up-to-date intelligence. The relationship further expands Centripetal’s RuleGate® Network Protection System with the addition of Infoblox’s ActiveTrust data, which combines threat intelligence from trusted white-hat allies, including law enforcement agencies and internet infrastructure providers, with vetted data from select open-source providers.

“Today’s threat landscape makes it critical for organizations to have the most comprehensive threat intelligence available,” said Steven Rogers, founder and CEO of Centripetal Networks. “Infoblox’s ActiveTrust data provides the additional intelligence and insights our customers need to act on very real threats.”

Centripetal’s RuleGate® Network Protection System dynamically updates threat intelligence from Infoblox, and more than 40 other sources, normalizes the intelligence, and applies it to the network to alert, block or redirect malicious traffic. The platform includes the Advanced Cyber Threat™ (ACT) service, the RuleGate® network appliance and QuickThreat®, Centripetal Networks’ real-time threat intelligence analytics application.

“Joining with Centripetal Networks expands both our reach and enterprise organizations’ capabilities in detecting threats to their corporate networks, employees and customers,” said Lars Harvey, vice president of security strategy at Infoblox. “There is an urgent need for actionable threat intelligence and we are happy to contribute to Centripetal Networks’ ecosystem.”

About Centripetal Networks

Centripetal Networks Inc. is a cyber-security solutions provider specializing in Real-Time Active Network Defense. Centripetal has achieved several breakthroughs in the scale and speed of network protection. Centripetal’s RuleGate® product is the first and only system able to block, alert or monitor advanced threats at unmatched speed using up to 5 million threat intelligence indicators of compromise. Threat intelligence can now directly drive an active cyber defense without negatively impacting network performance or user experience. Centripetal’s offering includes RuleGate® a unique ultra high performance network appliance, QuickThreat® the industry’s first real-time threat visualization and analytics platform and the Advanced Cyber Threat™ (ACT) service. Please visit

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