A Network Defense Layer That Actually Works

Enterprises invest heavily in cybersecurity measures to protect their critical assets and sensitive data. According to the Worldwide Security Spending Guide published by International Data Corporation (IDC), European security spending will grow by 12.3% in 2024, similar trajectory to the US and Asia Pacific. Despite these investments, crippling vulnerabilities continue to wreak havoc, and the costs of cyber attacks continue to soar. This reality underscores a critical point: a single layer of defense is no longer sufficient. The concept of a multi-layered defense strategy has become a cornerstone in the cybersecurity community, providing diverse tiers of protection to mitigate the wide array of threats faced by organizations.  


The Growing Threat Landscape 

Cyber threats are evolving at an unprecedented pace, outstripping the capabilities of traditional defense mechanisms. The annual average cost of cybercrime is predicted to hit more than $23 trillion in 2027, up from $8.4 trillion in 2022, according to Anne Neuberger, U.S. Deputy National Security Advisor. Even as enterprises ramp up their cybersecurity budgets, breaches continue to occur, often with devastating consequences. The reasons for this are manifold, but a significant factor is the exploitation of vulnerabilities in firewalls and network devices. In recent years, such exploits have become a more prevalent attack vector than phishing, a primary concern for security professionals.  

Firewalls and their next generation equivalents are often seen as the frontline defense against cyberattacks. They are designed to block unauthorized access and filter out harmful traffic. However, as has been demonstrated repeatedly, firewalls alone are not impenetrable. They can be bypassed through sophisticated attack methods e.g., advanced persistent threats (APTs), vulnerability exploitation, and malware hidden in encrypted traffic, rendering them inadequate as a first line of defense. This exposure necessitates additional layers of defense— that can provide comprehensive monitoring and protection beyond the capabilities of a traditional firewall. 


The Need for Multi-Layered Defense 

A multi-layered defense strategy involves deploying multiple security controls at different points within the IT infrastructure. This approach not only creates redundancy but also ensures that if one layer fails, others are in place to catch potential threats, providing contingency and cover. The idea is akin to having multiple lines of defense in a castle; if an attacker breaches the outer walls, they must still contend with inner defenses before reaching the core. 


The Missing Layer You Need 

Centripetal’s CleanINTERNET® offers a unique and essential layer of defense that complements existing security measures. This technology leverages adaptive, real-time, threat intelligence feeds from a wide array of sources across the industry. By continuously monitoring every data packet entering or leaving the network, CleanINTERNET® can identify and neutralize threats before they can cause harm. 

What sets CleanINTERNET® apart is its use of unparalleled volumes of IoCs (Indicators of Compromise). These are known patterns or behaviors associated with malicious activities, such as specific IP addresses, domains, or file hashes. CleanINTERNET® compares network traffic against a comprehensive database of IoCs, allowing it to detect and block malicious activity in real time. This pre-emptive approach ensures that even the most subtle and sophisticated attacks can be identified and mitigated. 

Unlike traditional firewalls, CleanINTERNET® functions as a threat aware external defensive layer. It acts as a buttress, providing an additional line of defense that protects against threats that often slip past other security measures. By operating outside the firewall, CleanINTERNET® can block threats at the perimeter, preventing them from infiltrating the network. 


Immediate Benefits for Enterprises 

The implementation of CleanINTERNET® yields immediate and tangible benefits for enterprises. One of the most significant advantages is the dramatic reduction in security events. By effectively filtering out malicious traffic, CleanINTERNET® reduces the noise that often overwhelms security operations centers. This patented technology not only decreases the workload for security teams but also allows them to focus on more critical issues rather than getting bombarded by false positives.  

Another crucial benefit is the elimination of reconnaissance traffic. Reconnaissance is often the first stage of a cyberattack, where attackers gather information about their target to identify vulnerabilities. By blocking this traffic, CleanINTERNET® disrupts the attackers’ ability to plan and execute their strategies, thereby preventing potential breaches. 

Moreover, CleanINTERNET® is adept at detecting and eradicating outbound traffic to command-and-control servers. Such traffic is a hallmark of compromised systems, where malware communicates with an external server for instructions or data exfiltration. By intercepting this communication, CleanINTERNET® can prevent data breaches and stop malware in its tracks. 


Enhancing Security Posture 

The net effect of incorporating CleanINTERNET® into a cybersecurity strategy is a significantly improved security posture. By adding an external layer of defense, organizations are better equipped to handle the evolving threat landscape. This enhancement not only protects the organization’s data and assets but also provides peace of mind to stakeholders, knowing that a robust, multi-layered defense strategy is in place. 

Furthermore, the use of advanced threat intelligence and real-time monitoring reduces the likelihood of successful attacks, thereby lowering the risk to the organization. This reduction in risk is not just about preventing immediate financial loss; it also protects the organization’s reputation, customer trust, and long-term viability. 


Enterprise Defense 

In cybersecurity, unfortunately there is no silver bullet. No single technology can provide complete protection against all threats. However, by adopting a multi-layered defense strategy and incorporating advanced solutions like Centripetal’s CleanINTERNET®, enterprises can significantly enhance their security posture. CleanINTERNET® offers the critical external defensive layer that organizations need to protect themselves in an increasingly hostile digital environment. By providing comprehensive monitoring, preemptive threat detection, and real-time response capabilities, CleanINTERNET® ensures that enterprises are not only defended but also resilient against the ever-evolving cyber threats.  

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