Next-Generation Cyber Threat Intelligence For Your Business

The cyber threat landscape is constantly expanding, with security breaches increasing by 67% since 2014 and the cost of cyber crime expected to be $6 trillion annually by 2021. As threats are evolving and advancing at an alarming rate, threat actors utilize automation to overwhelm security teams and force organizations to re-evaluate their cyber security posture in order to face these new forms of attack. A new generation of cyber threats requires a new generation of Cyber Threat Intelligence.

Cyber Threat Intelligence is vital for businesses to mitigate and understand current and future threats targeting an enterprise, but many organizations struggle to fully realize the benefits as they lack the necessary technology to make the intelligence accessible, the resources to analyze threat intelligence, and many are already overwhelmed by the volume of alerts and false positives.

There is no longer time to detect now and react later. Next-generation Cyber Threat Intelligence means leveraging the expertise of professionals and external vendors to review cyber threat intelligence data, as well as utilizing advanced detection technologies such as AI. AI introduces anomaly detection and classification to threat intelligence and detection, with machine learning enabling the identification of risks and solutions and providing a more informed threat response.

Centripetal CleanINTERNET

Centripetal CleanINTERNET pioneers next-generation threat intelligence; our zero-trust inspection of all traffic, powered by proactive intelligence, is the most advanced strategy in network security today. We leverage over 100 sources of cyber threat intelligence with over 3,500 feeds to efficiently determine which threats are real and which aren’t, utilizing AI-driven identification. CleanINTERNET shields clearly “all risk” threat traffic, rather than simply blocking, preventing data infiltration without disrupting business processes. Our team of cyber threat analysts identify, analyze, and report on threats for you, delivering precise, actionable insights to your organization, enabling you to stay ahead of current and future threats.

Get in touch with the Centripetal team to harness the power of next-generation Cyber Threat Intelligence within your business.

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