Understanding Incident Reporting Under the NIS2 Directive: Key Insights for Managed Service Providers and Managed Security Service Providers

Incident reporting is a crucial component of maintaining cybersecurity and operational resilience across the European Union. As outlined in Article 23 of the NIS2 Directive entities falling under its scope are required to report “significant incidents” to the CSIRT (Computer Security Incident Response Team or the relevant competent authority without undue delay. In Ireland, the […]

A Network Defense Layer That Actually Works

Enterprises invest heavily in cybersecurity measures to protect their critical assets and sensitive data. According to the Worldwide Security Spending Guide published by International Data Corporation (IDC), European security spending will grow by 12.3% in 2024, similar trajectory to the US and Asia Pacific. Despite these investments, crippling vulnerabilities continue to wreak havoc, and the […]

The EU AI Act: Ensuring Cybersecurity and Trustworthiness in High-Risk AI Systems

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has come a long way since John McCarthy first coined the term in 1955. Today, as AI technologies become deeply embedded in our daily lives, the potential they hold is immense – but so are the risks to safety, privacy, and fundamental human rights. Recognizing these concerns, the European Union (EU) took […]

Enhanced CleanINTERNET® Protections to Combat Subsequent Threats from the CrowdStrike Outage

Sean Moore – Ph.D. CTO and VP Research Last week (19-July-2024), a significant IT outage occurred because CrowdStrike distributed a faulty update to its Falcon security software running on millions of computers using the Microsoft Windows operating system. This faulty update caused many of these computers to crash, which interrupted the operations of businesses across […]

Take Action Now on NIS2 Directive

“Have Your Say: Comment on the NIS2 Cybersecurity Risk Management Draft Regulations by July 25, 2024” It’s time to ‘Have Your Say’ on the future of cybersecurity regulations in the European Union. The draft implementing regulation for the NIS2 Directive is now open for public feedback through the ‘Have Your Say’ portal until July 25, […]

Understanding the NIS2 Directive: Who is Affected and What You Need to Know

Time is of the essence, as the transposition deadline for the NIS2 Directive approaches on October 17, 2024, organizations across the EU must brace for its significant impact. This new Directive, updating and expanding its predecessor (NIS1), will dramatically increase the number of regulated entities. According to Ireland’s National Cyber Security Centre, the number of […]

Guarding the Classroom: Shielding Students from TikTok with Intelligence Powered Cybersecurity

The explosive growth of TikTok in schools isn’t just a trend—it’s a cybersecurity ticking time bomb. From rampant exposure to harmful content to severe data privacy concerns, TikTok’s unchecked influence poses significant threats to the safety and well-being of students, as well as compromising the technical infrastructure and sensitive data of schools. As the social […]