Intelligence Powered Cybersecurity for Law Firms

Proactive Protection in the Digital Age
As keepers of highly sensitive and privileged information, law firms like yours are prime targets for cybercriminals. It’s time to move beyond traditional security measures and embrace intelligence powered cybersecurity to protect your firm and your clients.
This paper delves into cutting-edge strategies and technologies that are revolutionizing cybersecurity in the legal industry, offering actionable insights to fortify your defenses.
The Urgency: Why Law Firms are Prime Targets
The American Bar Association’s 2023 Legal Technology Survey Report reveals that


of law firms experienced a security breach in the past year.
These breaches, with the average cost of a data breach in the legal sector reaching


result in significant financial and reputational damage.

The sensitivity of the information held by law firms, including intellectual property, financial records, and personal client data, makes for attractive targets for cybercriminals seeking high-value information.

Although cyber threats are not exclusive to the legal industry, certain characteristics of these attacks underscore the vulnerabilities unique to law firms. Data breaches, ransomware and phishing scams are all increasingly targeting law firms leading to operational paralysis, financial losses, and reputational damage.

Data Breaches

Sensitive client information can be exfiltrated during breaches, exposing confidential data.

Phising Attacks

These attacks use emails, texts, or links to trick employees into revealing private information.


Attacks encrypt data, demand ransom, disrupt cases, reduce billable hours, causing financial harm.

Information Stealers

The most common form of info stealer gathers login information, like usernames and passwords, which it sends to another system either via email or over a network. Other common information stealers, such as keyloggers, are designed to log user keystrokes which may reveal sensitive information.

Rethinking Cybersecurity: The Need for Intelligence Powered Cybersecurity

Traditional cybersecurity methods are no longer sufficient. Static and reactive defenses can’t keep pace with the rapidly evolving threat landscape. Law firms need dynamic, intelligence powered solutions that provide proactive protection. Imagine a security system that not only responds to threats but anticipates them, learning and adapting in real-time. This is the future of cybersecurity.

Intelligence powered cybersecurity is the cornerstone of modern cybersecurity. By harnessing vast amounts of data from a community of diverse sources, intelligence powered cybersecurity provides a comprehensive view of the cyber threat landscape.

Here’s how it can transform your firm’s security posture:

Proactive Threat Identification

Instead of waiting for an attack to occur, intelligence powered cybersecurity allows you to identify emerging threats before they materialize. According to a 2023 report by the Ponemon Institute, organizations with advanced threat intelligence programs detect threats 50% faster than those without.

Invest in Comprehensive Training Programs

Equip your team with the knowledge to recognize and respond to cyber threats. Regular training and simulations can significantly improve your firm's cybersecurity posture. The SANS Institute found that firms conducting regular cybersecurity training reduced the likelihood of phishing attacks by 70%.

Partner with
Cybersecurity Experts

Collaborate with leading cybersecurity firms to stay ahead of the curve and benefit from their specialized knowledge and resources. According to Deloitte, firms partnering with cybersecurity experts can reduce their risk of data breaches by up to 50%.

The Solution: Proactive Protection with CleanINTERNET®
Centripetal’s CleanINTERNET® solution introduces a distinctive approach finely tuned to the unique needs of law firms. In an industry where time is money, harnessing real-time threat intelligence from a global network, Centripetal offers visibility into potential threats long before they can impact the network. This technology acts as a shield, safeguarding the network against any malicious activity.
CleanINTERNET® is an intelligence powered security solution that leverages high-performance computing technology, patented software algorithms, and highly skilled security analysts to provide a cost-effective alternative protection strategy. Legal firms that have adopted CleanINTERNET® report being surprised by its comprehensive capabilities, far exceeding basic intelligence feeds. Achieving a comparable security posture independently would be financially unfeasible.

“I see CleanINTERNET® as being like ‘an invisibility cloak’ for me”

Infrastructure and Security Manager, Leading Irish Legal Firm

CleanINTERNET® offers a revolutionary approach to cybersecurity, prioritizing threat intelligence and shifting from reactive to proactive defense, thereby enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of security teams. With advanced shielding technology, CleanINTERNET® can eliminate the majority of threats and mitigate the impact of any malicious code that penetrates defenses.
This technology blocks malicious network attempts from known sources, prevents outbound activity to malicious domains, and eliminates unnecessary reconnaissance traffic from the firm’s network. By implementing CleanINTERNET®, law firms can quickly strengthen their cyber defense without significant financial investment or the need to expand their cyber analyst teams. This solution greatly reduces the number of security events, allowing IT teams to focus on delivering client services with greater confidence.

Take Action Now

The stakes have never been higher for law firms in the realm of cybersecurity. Embracing intelligence powered cybersecurity solutions is not just an option; it’s a necessity. By being proactive you can transform your defenses and ensure robust protection for your sensitive data. Take the lead in cybersecurity innovation and safeguard your firm against the threats of today and tomorrow.

Is your firm ready to elevate its cybersecurity strategy to the next level? The tools and strategies are within your reach — seize them to protect your clients and your reputation in an increasingly digital world.