Avoiding the ransomware trap

Ransomware attacks are surging and now rank as the 3rd most significant cause of total breaches worldwide.

Even large, global firms with enormous IT budgets are falling victim to the latest attacks. Why? Because cybercriminals know that popular network inspection and threat intelligence solutions can’t keep up with the deluge of attacks hammering at our networks daily.

But there is hope! By evolving from traditional threat intelligence to ThreatOps, we can put an end to ransomware and proactively shield your business from 99% of global threats mapped by the threat intelligence community automatically.

Sound too good to be true? It’s not!

Inside this free eBook, you’ll learn:

  • Why two generations of threat intelligence are falling short of their promise
  • How to operationalize threat intelligence by leveraging more than 3,500 intelligence feeds in real-time
  • How to make existing security inspection strategies 100x more efficient and cost-effective
Centripetal, cybersecurity, ransomware