Maintaining Security With Remote Working

88% of organizations worldwide mandated their employees to work from home in 2020 to slow the spread of COVID-19. And with the pandemic looking to leave office buildings empty for the foreseeable future, organizations are having to embrace new ways of working.

Remote working on the rise

Even pre-pandemic, remote working numbers have been steadily increasing as people realize the cost-saving, mental health and sustainability benefits of working from home. However, the push to remote working practices introduces risks to cybersecurity, due to employees using personal devices which lack adequate protection, increasing the risk of endpoint security gaps and email-based cyber threats.

This has led to a noticeable uptick in cybersecurity crimes across the board. Over 1 in 10 employees have had video calls hacked while working remotely, and 46% have noticed an increase in phishing attempts in recent months. Almost half of global businesses have had at least one security scare since shifting to remote working this year, with the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center now receiving 3,000 to 4,000 calls per day, compared to 1,000 a day before the pandemic.

As a consequence, employees are feeling increasingly distressed, with 59% claiming they feel more secure working in the office compared to at home. The unexpected expenses involved in recovering from data breaches have also hit organizations hard, as many are still coping with pandemic-related financial losses.

Ease the security burden

Centripetal CleanINTERNET eases the security burden on your entire team, whether they are working from home or in the office. Your business is able to focus on mission-critical operations while our cyber threat analysts operationalize over 3,500 cyber threat intelligence feeds, shielding against “all risk” threat traffic and delivering actionable findings to you directly, wherever you’re working.

With your team able to gain immediate visibility into the relevant threats, realizing your cyber security strategies and initiatives is made easier. Centripetal’s CleanINTERNET service protects against network infiltration and data exfiltration and dramatically increases your cyber security posture.

Find out more about securing your network with CleanINTERNET by getting in touch.

Our next blog will explore next-generation cyber threat intelligence and what it means for your business.

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